Empowering stories

When I connect with myself and with Nature, I create a space that allows me to make sense of the stories in my head. Sitting on a bench in Tiergarten, listening to the birdsong under swaying branches and soft caressing breeze is so freeing – an ideal coaching environment and workplace to blog!
You can also check out my blog at Climate Change Cafe which aims to raise awareness and inspire action on climate change. We all have our own empowering stories to tell. Storytelling can also be a valuable tool in the coaching process – not only to process past and present experiences – but to imagine the future we would like to create for ourselves. So if you would like to contribute as a guest to either blog, then feel free to get in touch.
How can we make work a place of humanity and compassion?
You’ve got an important presentation later in the morning and the technology is acting up again. You’ve just finished an appraisal with a star employee who is underperforming causing your team to miss a key deadline with a client. Then your phone rings. It’s your...
The Three Quests – a Journey with Purpose
Who doesn’t love a good quest? Whether it’s in search of a holy grail or to destroy the one ring to rule them all, we lose ourselves in the hero’s journey - armchair adventurers in stories that capture our hearts and imaginations. Feeling the call of...
Yoga for the heart – how to attain emotional agility
Viewing Susan David’s New York Times bestseller through the lens of Six Seconds Model of Emotional Intelligence What image comes up for you when you think of the word agile? Perhaps it’s of an athlete – a gymnast or a pole vaulter competing at the Olympic Games. Or...
How to befriend your inner critic with self-compassion
“Give us ten pence or I’ll beat the head of ya”. I was in the schoolyard and one of the tougher kids, a guy by the name of Jason, had me in a headlock. Just another regular day. The over-arching emotion I can recall is raw fear. He got his ten pence. If I had...
Communicating climate change to empower
The words we use matter. The way we talk to ourselves matters. Negative self-talk can undermine our confidence, our self-belief and affect our mood. It can even change how we behave and influence our actions. Positive self-talk, on the other hand, can empower us to...
Practicing Mindful Self-Compassion Supports Our Personal Growth
“Self-compassion includes self-kindness, a sense of common humanity, and mindfulness.” - Kristin Neff, Co-Founder of the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion I'm half way through a ten-week online course in Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) and so I thought I'd take...
My Practice
10557 Berlin, Germany
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Open Hours
Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm CET
Other times available on request